Abel Rent A Car and Truck Hire i Greenslopes

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AustralienAbel Rent A Car and Truck Hire



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495, Logan Road, 4120, Greenslopes, Brisbane City, AU Australien
kontakter telefon: +61 1300 131 429
internet side: www.abel.com.au
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -27.5046893, Longitude: 153.0475446

kommentar 5

  • Kane Steuer

    Kane Steuer


    Honestly I can't really complain about the truck I received, even though the first one had issues starting so they had to swap us into a new one. It's more so my negligence at fault and I'm willing to accept that straight off the bat. My warning to you is that when renting a truck, even if its ridiculously busy and they're trying to push paperwork through as fast as possible, without really being given much of a chance to read it, make sure you sit down and read the rental agreement before signing it. While I was there picking up a truck and signing the paperwork I witnessed people being called and asked to return their trucks early, so in my mind "Oh this must be helpful to them" I rushed to return our truck early. What I didn't realise was clause 8 of the rental agreement that says there are no refunds given for returning your truck early. Even though the invoice has a negative balance due, you won't get your money back. So with that said, I urge you to not return your truck early, even when they call you asking for it back, keep it, use it and get your moneys worth, if they don't have enough trucks for their agreed business, that's on them. Like I mentioned before, the first truck I was given didn't start properly, they swapped us into a new truck but once I got onto the road the truck was great, reliable, clean and I had no issues with it. So no complaints there. I'd also like to point out that technically I signed a rental agreement for the first truck, not the second, the second truck is listed on the invoice and we have an empty rental agreement, unsigned for the matching registration plate. At the end of the day, their service is as advertised and I have to give them credit where it's due. Just don't be negligent, don't try and be helpful to them, look out for yourself.

  • Justin Taylor

    Justin Taylor


    1000 year old truck broke down in Brisbane CBD. 4 hours later racq arrives and tells us the batteries are dead and need to be replaced. Abel won't authorise the cost.... They send someone from their office to buy batteries and come out and install them rather than pay racq. Meanwhile we've been broken down in a 20 minute loading bay for 4 hours 10 minutes from where we hired the truck. Arrogant, rude staff tell me they won't cover parking fines and if we refuse to pay them they'll hit our credit card for the full bond. Basically hired the car, rolled down the hill to the city and we've spent the whole day sitting here fending off parking inspectors begging someone to sort it out. I don't recommend them at all. Also. Their address is wrong.

  • en

    David Boyle


    Friendly efficient service. Great for those who like to DIY and save a buck.

  • en

    qassim abbas


    WARNING Total rip off, hidden charges, terrible customer service by staff member Jay. On my previous truck hire they charged my $55 toll charge That I’m not aware of. On my last horrible truck hire experience, they charged my card $110 for being 1 hour and 2 minutes late. On top of that, when I returned the truck, that guy was sooo rude to me in front my wife, and yelled at me for being late. I called him earlier and told him that I’m running late due to some circumstances. If he was going to charge me late fees what was all the argument for? Also, the online prices are different to what you pay at the office, I was almost ripped of when about to pay $110 for one day hire and $47 insurance, I told they guy that it says online only $90 a day and $37 insurance then he said ok. I’ve hired trucks multiple times from them before but they didn’t care when I said so. I’ve got to admit that the guy called me up the next morning to apologize for being rude, but the charges were applied any way. So all up for one day truck hire: $90 one day $47 (not $37) insurance $110 for 1 hour and 2 minutes late (broken down as $23 for one hour plus insurance plus admin fees ..etc) RIP OFF I would recommend dealing with them unless you’re on a hurry or other companies all booked up or simply you want to waste your money.

  • Chris Symes

    Chris Symes


    This place is a joke, I booked online, phoned the night before, checked to make sure nothing could wreck my booking, gave licence details etc. Recieve a phone call today to say that the truck isn’t available until 11 or later, when asked how much the cost will be reduced by was told it would be the same price. Had plans to move today, busy tomorrow. SO NOT trust this pathetic example of a business!!!

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