Adina Apartment Hotel Sydney Darling Harbour i Sydney

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienAdina Apartment Hotel Sydney Darling Harbour



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55, Shelley Street, 2000, Sydney, Council of the City of Sydney, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 2 9249 7000
internet side:
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Latitude: -33.8686241, Longitude: 151.2024054

kommentar 5

  • Bob Langridge

    Bob Langridge


    Great one bedroom apsrtment in perfect location. We stayed for 2 nights and loved that we could walk to everything we wanted to do.

  • Christine Burgess

    Christine Burgess


    Great location. Good room. Just what we like.

  • en

    Colin Cropley


    Accommodation was good for a stay of a few days. Staff were responsive. Location excellent.




    Review: 4.5*! Location: Fantastic spot near the King St Wharfs, Westfield, Zephyr Bar or the Casino. Service: Sensational attentiveness. It felt like we were the only guests there! 🙂 Decor: Simple yet elegant 🙂 Atmosphere: Very nice reception area. Bathrooms: There would be an issue if you are tall having a shower as there is not enough head space for those people... Also the toilet paper was only 2-ply, not 3 😞 They were the only down sides of the apartment. Value for money: Very reasonable 🙂 A+ Drinks: N/A. Food: N/A. Synopsis: Perfect spot if you want to stay near the Darling Harbour :)

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    Alison Keady


    I had booked a room here for Friday night, but was unable to stay here. IDon’t bother booking here if you want to be guaranteed you’ll have a room for the night. I had actually booked the room a week before , received a confirmation email and confirmed again the night before via phone; however when we arrived to check in at 5pm on the night was told they had overbooked and we had a room at the other end of Town. We were given no notification, unless you consider an email sent at 12.30pm on the day sufficient. They did have our correct mobile number but we have no phone record, voice mail or text of them trying to contact us. Was given no assistance to get to the other location at Town Hall and had to push the Duty Manager to even give us directions to the car park there. Extremely unhelpful and unsympathetic, not even any compensation even though we were sent to a room in a cheaper location. We were advised a Manager would be in touch the next day.....still waiting. All in all it ruined a special night and we were extremely late for our function for which we booked the Darling Harbour location for and paid extra for. It was simply just not good enough! Reading other reviews, also understand this Happens to other guests too.

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