Albany Mosque/ Masjid and Islamic Centre at Albany, WA i Mount Melville

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AustralienAlbany Mosque/ Masjid and Islamic Centre at Albany, WA


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Serpentine Road, 6330, Mount Melville, City of Albany, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 488 798 396
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Latitude: -35.0205472, Longitude: 117.8782609

kommentar 5

  • en

    Hadri 2102


    Alhamdulillah. A place to pray at Albany. Attached is the picture of the front. Main door is auto locked once closed, so please go to the left side and enter from kitchen area and you can open the main door from inside. Toilet got water hose.

  • en

    Faridah Rahmat


    MasyaaAllah...what a bless to chance up this masjid for our jamak prayers this afternoon. Although it's small and run down, it's quite clean and has basic utilities for solat. Alhamdulillah.

  • Aisha Hughes

    Aisha Hughes


    Looking forward to visiting soon INSHA ALLAH

  • en

    Sohaib Nasim


    Great to have a Mosque here. Also make sure to use the left door as right side of house occupied by a neighbour and to park on the left side.

  • Maleeha Farooqui

    Maleeha Farooqui


    Haven't been here but have read reviews, will be moving soon to Albany In sha Allah and appreciate a masjid nearby. What are the local prayer times and are there any facilities for women and children? Separate prayer room/ablution area etc?

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