Albert Court Motor Inn i Rockhampton City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienAlbert Court Motor Inn


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Albert Street, 4700, Rockhampton City, Rockhampton Regional, AU Australien
kontakter telefon: +61 7 4927 7433
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Latitude: -23.3726818, Longitude: 150.50666

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jane Rose


    We were not informed about the renovation before we arrived. I understand work has to be done but after a 7 hour drive we were expecting a lovely room and a nice bath to soak in. what we received was a very tired room and stained shower base. It was advertised as continental breakfast (but it comprised of cereal and toast tea and coffee) no meats cheeses or pastries which you usually get. The sheets were very clean and the new owners were very nice but had we been aware we probably wouldn't of stayed here.

  • Wayne Miller

    Wayne Miller


    In the process of being completely refurbished ( early 2018)and all rooms have 50 inch TV's on the wall

  • en

    Phil Chester


    Under new management with refurbishment in progress. New owner is keen to impress. Short walk to riverside restauraunts. This will become a gem in Rockhamton.

  • en

    Geraint Llywelyn-Roberts


    For the price good New air conditioners Lots of safe onsite parking I have stayed in Hotels in Rockhampton in the past which are twice the price only to be told on checkin the car park is full. 16 foxtek channels

  • Peta Rianii

    Peta Rianii


    Competitvely priced rooms, fantastic service from kind, genuine people. Rooms are spacious, the indian menu is to die for, the bathrooms clean and the beds comfortable. I will stay here again and again. Whenever in Rocky, this is the place to be!

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