All About Fish! Amphibians and Reptiles i Warners Bay

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AustralienAll About Fish! Amphibians and Reptiles



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393A, Hillsborough Road, 2282, Warners Bay, Lake Macquarie City Council, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 2 4954 5477
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Latitude: -32.9655694, Longitude: 151.6532695

kommentar 5

  • en

    Layton James


    Fantastic service, friendly advice and great knowledge. Highly recommended.

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    Joh White


    Awesome staff so helpful and friendly and patience with a newbie turtle gaurdian. I be back for sure

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    Adam Curtis


    The guys a clown, blocks you as soon as you leave a negative review. Called in yesterday, only 1 other client in there, who was being served, asked us to move while he pushed a ladder across in front of us, then another customer comes in, and he goes and serves them, while we continue to wait. After 20 minutes, we left, without even being served. No wonder they're struggling, not interested in customer service or customer feedback. Would rather blame everyone else for his inadequacies and poor service then take any ownership.

  • en

    Kim Collins


    This place use to be good, but the lack of service today and expensive prices were ridiculous. PJ Cardinals were $30 each or 3 for $60, while down the road they were $15 each or 3 for $30. Crazy. Leave a review on there Facebook page and they delete it, how many others bad reviews have they deleted or removed. Pity, as it use to be a good shop, now just over priced. Very disappointing.

  • en

    Lillian Parker


    Very nice range of fish and friendly service. Would give another star but I'm not a fan of the bettas being kept in little cups.

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