Angies Garden Retreat i Pialba

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienAngies Garden Retreat


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20, Hythe Street, 4655, Pialba, Fraser Coast Regional, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 407 143 763
internet side:
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Latitude: -25.276074, Longitude: 152.83045

kommentar 5

  • en

    Julie Morrison


    Perfect holiday home - and you can bring your dogs as well. Amazing amenities and spotlessly clean. Will most definately recommend to all.

  • Vikki Marsh

    Vikki Marsh


    Great holiday house if you have dog

  • en

    Peter Roper


    Our family , which includes our two rescued greyhounds, enjoyed a very relaxing stay at the Poolside Retreat. From the moment we arrived we felt at home in the spotless, spacious home with a large secure yard for the pooches. A welcome platter and wine for the grown ups and treats for Dexter and Luka made us feel very special... thankyou Angie Every weary traveler needs to revive with a good nights sleep and the beds were sublime. We have stayed in other " dog friendly " establishments before but this is the best by far and we can't wait to return . Thank you for giving us a lovely memory. Marie, Peter, Nicholas Dexter and Luka

  • steven James

    steven James


    The owners of this property are disgraceful humans. They are extremely rude and feel as though they are holier than though. The husband was very aggressive during our meeting and threatened to beat my dog and myself. While they may be hospitable to guests when there is no issue, the second an issue is brought up the turn aggressive.

  • Jeremy Dawes

    Jeremy Dawes


    Splendid accommodation, well suited to having the family dog along for the holiday.

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