Avis i West Hindmarsh

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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416, Port Road, 5007, West Hindmarsh, City of Charles Sturt, AU Australien
kontakter telefon: +61 8 8241 5200
internet side: www.avis.com.au
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -34.9005587, Longitude: 138.5643929

kommentar 5

  • en

    glenn anderson


    Polite and helpful staff who took time to explain the rental and showed me around the truck. Didn't feel rushed, not to mention the great condition of the truck. I will be back in the future.

  • en

    allan bond


    Amazing friendly service ! I was let down bye another hire company at last minute, i was told to ring Avis to see if they had a moving truck. I hired a truck last weekend and was allowed to pick up the night before for no extra charge, it made things easier. The truck was nice and clean, automatic it was perfect ( even had a trolley in the back ). Thank you i know who to call in the future.

  • Matt Mabarrack

    Matt Mabarrack


    ALWAYS top service from these guys, I wouldn't go anywhere else. Been hiring vans and trucks from them for a fair while and never had any dramas whatsoever. Keep up the good work guys, I'll be back soon! (Why is it always the negative reviewers that have no Google profile pic?)

  • Mabarrack Furniture Factory

    Mabarrack Furniture Factory


    We use these guys on a regular basis because they are good operators. Rosco and Matt are friendly, their rates are good and their trucks are always schmick. Id recommend Avis Hindmarsh for all your rental needs, very pro, affordable and friendly set up. A+++

  • en



    For goodness sake dont give over your credit card details. Avis truck Port rd will just help themselves to your account and make every excuse under the sun as to what there claims are. Its policy,its insurance, its a Avis Sydney computer error.Its only an authorization , we'll correct it. Will never do business with these guys ever again re long term rental.Certainly not recommended within my transport industry. Shop around there's better deals elsewhere

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