BCC Cinemas Cairns Earlville i Earlville

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienBCC Cinemas Cairns Earlville



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537, Mulgrave Road, 4870, Earlville, Cairns Regional, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 7 4057 0000
internet side: www.eventcinemas.com.au
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -16.9430703, Longitude: 145.7410538

kommentar 5

  • en

    Keiran Michael


    Bloody hard accessing the actual cinemas if you're disabled using a walking aid. The lifts are confusing...two of the buggers. The ticket selling point is no better . Try standing on one leg waiting to be served. The only good thing was the movie itself. Christ ! what a day.

  • Ken Coker

    Ken Coker


    were is the cctv footage of the ghost boy walking through the front desk area? I saw it a few years ago. Was it ever released to the public?

  • Natasha Morrow

    Natasha Morrow


    Good cinema location, friendly staff. Seating outside for waiting to go in.

  • Petra M. H.

    Petra M. H.


    Nice cinema. Good seating outside the theatres and wait with your friends, family and date.

  • glorious song

    glorious song


    It was a terrible night, I mean paying $40 for 2 movie tickets and getting some popcorn and soft drink for $16 is a bit outrages, not because of the prices, but because of the service. Why would you close the snack bar at 7:45pm while you still have customers within your facilities?? You're telling me I have to buy everything before the movie and 1hr later when I want another drink I can't, the amount of salt you put into your popcorn is devastating, I nearly died of dehydration. If you have people coming in and buying popcorn and a large coke for $16 then I expect decent service and expect you to close perhaps 9? We pay 10x the amount we would if we would wait for these movies to come out. Experience and Service is terrible here. Was it worth $56? No it wasn't.

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