Best Western Crystal Inn i Bendigo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienBest Western Crystal Inn



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233-235, McIvor Highway, 3550, Bendigo, Greater Bendigo City, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 3 5443 4340
internet side:
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Latitude: -36.759027, Longitude: 144.3184081

kommentar 5

  • Alistair East

    Alistair East


    Great place to stay. Friendly staff. Great rooms. Food is good.

  • Tahlia Hurford

    Tahlia Hurford


    Best hotel I’ve ever stayed in, amazing beds, and staff. Felt like I was at home staying there. Erin the receptionist was amazing!

  • Steve Bates

    Steve Bates


    One of the best motels we have stayed in. Quiet, comfortable, pleasant ambience with all rooms around a large inner courtyard with heated pool. Undercover ground floor car park, with lift to the first floor where all the units are. Pleasant staff.

  • Chris Anderson

    Chris Anderson


    The hotel itself nice and neat, but they need better staff and better communication with their head-quarter. I made a reservation prior to my arrival with my points, even though I had reservation number and confirmation e-mail which I shared with the front desk,this location did not receive/had the necessary information for my Stay. I had to pay out my pocket , again the hotel is clean, safe and neat but it fall below an average level from the American point of view. I will not repeat this location.

  • en

    Marg Keenan


    Always enjoy my stay at this motel. The staff are friendly and helpful. Quiet location but still close th centre of town. Undercover parking is a bonus in summer

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