Bicycle Express i Adelaide

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienBicycle Express



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124, Halifax Street, 5000, Adelaide, Adelaide City Council, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 8 8232 7277
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Latitude: -34.9325181, Longitude: 138.6047787

kommentar 5

  • Kaitlyn Malthaner

    Kaitlyn Malthaner


    Excellent service and a wide selection of bikes and accessories. Got a great deal on a bike last month and going to drop by for the complimentary service they offer after purchase. One of the better bike shops in Adelaide.

  • en

    tdf 1972


    Awesome service , I brought a bike and Bec flew up to goldcoast to deliver it to me , the bike is perfect and I’m so grateful to the guys , thanks so much

  • Den A

    Den A


    These guys are a bit more expensive than other shops. The quality of the service depends on who you deal with. Some saff are friendly while others look down on you. Its a bit of a hit and miss with this place

  • Michael Miller

    Michael Miller


    They went above an beyond repairing my wheel in a timely fashion. I'd broken a spoke, and decided to see how they compared to my normal go-to place. They were booked up, but the guy serving me had a quick chat to a mechanic and he said he could fit it in if I left it with them, and I could pick it up in an hour. $35 plus the cost of a spoke. Bargain. 55 mins later I come back and he's done. He also pointed out I'd fixed my rear mech cable improperly, which he'd remedied, and tuned it, and explained why it'd been acting the way it had. Legend. I leave the store and start riding and I swear within 2 minutes I'd noticed about 5 other niggling little problems I knew about and planned to fix had been fixed. He somehow snuck in a tune-up *and* replaced my spoke *and* balanced my wheel in an hour. I've had a grin on my face for the rest of the day. The guy adjusted my *front wheel bearing*. That wasn't even on the same end of the bike as the thing I was paying them for! Know what you call a guy who fixes something when he knows he's not even gonna see when the owner notices it? A bloody legend.

  • Nathan Portlock

    Nathan Portlock


    Never have I found a more enthusiastically positive bunch of people in any retail situation. These guys have always gone above & beyond what is reasonable to assist my needs. They are more likely to talk you out of a product that is not right for you, than to sell you something you think you want just because you think it's cool. they are always willing to go the extra mile & always willing to help out, even when not asked. I could not recommend this shop more passionately to suit any customer from the most knowledgeable, to the first time beginner. these guys will make you feel comfortable & ease with your advice & purchases. I walk out of there every time with a big smile on my face

nærmeste Cykel butik

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