Castran Gilbert w South Yarra

AustraliaCastran Gilbert



🕗 godziny otwarcia

102-108, Toorak Road, 3141, South Yarra, Stonnington City, AU Australia
kontakt telefon: +61 3 9827 1177
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: -37.8390362, Longitude: 144.9899338

komentarze 5

  • en

    Mark Brady


    Jeff Chen and Senem Lemanis are among the most professional and supportive real estate agents I have dealt with. They provide great service and go above and beyond expectations. I would recommend Castran Gilbert to anyone if they have to buy or rent a property

  • Patrick Gao

    Patrick Gao


    Staffs are all very friendly and their responses are really quick. I rent 2 apartments in the same building from them. When things need to be fixed, the arrange technician quickly as well.‹

  • Cheuk Tung Yu

    Cheuk Tung Yu


    I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the help of Senem and Jeff. They are awesome and professional agents. Both of them provide great services and help us to solve many problems. I would recommend Castran Gilbert to my friends if they have to buy or rent a property.

  • en

    Harish Nair


    In my short time with Castran Gilbert, I was able to call on the exemplary services of Gabby Mercuri, one of the best property managers I’ve ever encountered. She went above and beyond in her duty on solving issues and liaising between parties. Gabby is always hands on, extremely articulate and professional in all aspects of rental management and I have no hesitation in spreading the word that Gabby with her team "Castran Gilbert" brilliant - as is evident by the form of recognition with recommendation which I am providing . Highly recommend

  • en

    andino online


    All of the encounters I've had with Castran Gilbert have been positive. Their staff is friendly and helpful, and they make the rental process painless and easy. I requested an inspection for one property, and they recommended an apartment that was even better suited for my needs (the place I'm in now).

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