CBD 7 Day Medical Centre and Travel Clinic Brisbane i Brisbane City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienCBD 7 Day Medical Centre and Travel Clinic Brisbane



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245 Albert Street, Corner Adelaide st next to Bupa health, Opposite City Hall, Brisbane City QLD 4000, Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 7 3211 3611
internet side: www.cbdmedical.com.au
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Latitude: -27.4690094, Longitude: 153.0247378

kommentar 5

  • Laura Elizabeth

    Laura Elizabeth


    Now, I sincerely feel averse to leaving bad reviews; it doesn't feel nice and I avoid unless absolutely compelled. In this case I feel duty bound to warn prospective patients that these doctors harmed me and they harmed me immensely, and were utterly unapologetic. 😕 I presented to Dr. Crystal Pidgeon in January with diazepam withdrawal symptoms. I was looking to treat the myoclonic twitches I was suffering, and stressed that I did not want to get on another drug from which I could suffer withdrawal. It should have been obvious to her not to plunge me into a second withdrawal nightmare, but she prescribed me Baclofen, said it was harmless, and off I went to take it nightly for the next 2 months. After running out of it and coming down with *nightmarish* symptoms including sudden panic attacks, tachycardia, dizziness, splitting headaches and extreme dysphoria, I went back to the clinic, saw a Dr. Skala and was told sheepishly it is a medicine that cannot be stopped abruptly and from which some people withdraw badly. It was a bloody muscle relaxant...not toooo disimilar to what I was trying to wean off! It really seemed to render my 4 months of nightmarish withdrawal a waste. I was back at square one. I was horrified at the prospect of more withdrawal hell and remarked this was a massive oversight on Dr. Pidgeon's part, only to be chided so scornfully by this doctor who blindly defended her, even as I sat there shaking, all but convulsing before him. The suffering was extreme. And that was weeks and weeks ago and here I am still trapped in Baclofen withdrawal. I have suffered hideously at one small mistake. I understand we are all human, but I am so tired of the arrogance of GPs. It's fine if they cannot possibly know everything, but they need to concede this and own up to their mistakes. I found the GPs I saw at this clinic to be particularly rude, except for Dr. Katrina who was absolutely lovely, conscientious and went the extra mile for me.

  • en

    Jane W


    Saw the ad for this in the cinema and laughed as I had such a bad experience from the doctors here years ago - my other friends remember the stories too. Not good but the couple behind us spoke badly too when they heard me laugh and saw you had an ad trying to get people to visit. Oh dear. Judging from the reviews things haven’t changed.

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    Darrin Hanigan


    Conveniently located in the city and pretty easy access to get an appointment. The staff on front counter were stretched but friendly. The GP rate and travel vaccinations cost is Premium, unfortunately the customer experience isnt when considering the standard of the premises, waiting past appointment time and general professionalism and attention. This was my first visit and I would go back for convenience, but given cost for the experience delivered, I'll look at other alternatives next time.

  • knight rider

    knight rider


    They Charge $120 just for general consultation. I had an appointment at 11:45am but they called me at 12:20pm. After the consultation with doc I went to the reception and within 10 sec again I went back to the doc's room to ask something. At the time of the payment they ask me to pay $120. I was shocked like anything cuz usually it's around $72. When I ask them that why should I pay $120 when it's just general consultation? They replied that "it's take more time than normal appointments". I just pissed off by their service. They deserve 0 star but I can't submit my feedback without clicking any.

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    Jason Robinson


    About 8 years ago I felt very unwell, and I was told to see a doctor at the CBD 7 Day Medical Centre. I then saw Dr Skala, who picked up on an illness I had right back when I was a child. He literally saved my life, and for a doctor to do this for someone is somewhat incredible. Now, at my age, it is still surreal to think that my life was saved by this gentleman. I wish him the very best and to this day he is still my GP. I would not go to another – and I know I am not the only person whose life he has saved.

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