Coral Coast Vet Hospital Carnarvon i Carnarvon

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienCoral Coast Vet Hospital Carnarvon



🕗 åbningstider

12, Bassett Way, 6701, Carnarvon, Shire of Carnarvon, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 8 9941 1155
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Latitude: -24.8715026, Longitude: 113.6761931

kommentar 5

  • en

    Janette Reynolds


    Very caring staff lovely to see

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    Natalie Trowbridge


    I do a 6 hr round trip in 1 day to take my girls to the vet.The service the girls give but more so the love and care they show my girls is second to none.I always know they are in good hands.Every km is worth it...

  • Elle Munn

    Elle Munn


    Boarded my dog here for the day so we could do things around Carnarvon that did not include dogs. I was so grateful that they did Doggie Day Care so we could do the tourist thing. They were warm and welcoming and put my mind at ease as they took my precious dog for care. The team at Coral Coast even gave my pooch a complimentary bath and when I picked her up she smelt sweet and clean. If you are travelling and are looking for somewhere to board your dog, I would thoroughly recommend this service to all, my dog came away happy, clean and gave me great peace of mind that she was well cared for. Thankyou Coral Coast Vet/Boarding Hospital.

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    Amanda Brown


    The girls at Coral Coast Vet are amazing. They always go above and beyond to look after our dogs and make them feel comfortable and relaxed every time we visit. They take the up most care in looking after our dogs whether it be a routine check, hydro bath or an emergency. I highly recommend and wouldn't go any where else (neither would our dogs!)

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    Tara Fistonich


    The service at Coral Coast is amazing. Dr Emma was so caring and understanding and treated our Molly like she was her own. I highly recommend taking all your pets there, you will not find better care.

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