Corporate Health Evaluation Centre i Melbourne

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienCorporate Health Evaluation Centre



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3/415 Bourke Street, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australien
kontakter telefon: +61 3 9642 0700
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Latitude: -37.8148288, Longitude: 144.9617006

kommentar 1

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    carla eastwood


    I decided to try this doctor as he was close to my work. I went to the doctors regarding a pain I had near my chest. The doctor said before he could do anything I would have to check with my previous doctor as to whether I'd ever had a scan, where it was and what type. He charged me the full consultation fee, around $70, despite not being able to do anything. I called the clinic back within an hour an provided all the information to the receptionist. I was told that the doctor would call me back. After several days I had not been contacted. I called the clinic and was put through to the doctor. He said he'd been too busy to follow it up and would get to it this afternoon. He was quite rude and abrupt. He never contacted me. My recommendation is to keep your money and go somewhere else.

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