Crowne Plaza Canberra i Canberra

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienCrowne Plaza Canberra



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1, Binara Street, 2601, Canberra, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 2 6274 5500
internet side:
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Latitude: -35.2826498, Longitude: 149.134894

kommentar 5

  • en

    Stefanus arvin


    The hotel feels a little old but it's quite decent. The room was spacious with a nice king size bed. The bathtub is pretty small hence not very comfortable to use

  • SethEllen Mayo

    SethEllen Mayo


    Great central location, really care about those staying and so friendly to deal with. Quality and detail everywhere. Makes you feel at home and valued through their service level and resourcing including rooms.

  • Bini Sathyan

    Bini Sathyan


    Pretty decent hotel to stay. But a few things are irritating. When we checked in it took around 20 minutes. Last thing you want at the end of the day is delay in getting to your room. After check in, waiting for the lifts is another hassle. With hundreds of rooms occupied, the two lifts are always full. Parking was full! No parking space allotted for occupants. Had to park half a km away in another parking lot and walk back!

  • en

    David Owens


    Comfy beds and friendly staff. The rooms have a nice view too. However, this is not a 5 star place. The rooms are dated, there were bits of debris and random gunk on the carpet in the room and the bathroom was dated with mould all over the tiles and on the grout. It feels like it needs a makeover... Will be staying somewhere else next time I visit Canberra.

  • Alistair Gray

    Alistair Gray


    Always good. Great room. Great service. Fabulous staff. Great breakfast. Only criticism would be bathroom with shower over the bath is very last century. Spotlessly clean. Lovely, relaxed room outlook. Will be back.

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