Crystal Car Wash Cafe i Edgecliff

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienCrystal Car Wash Cafe



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67, New South Head Road, 2021, Edgecliff, Woollahra Municipal Council, AU Australien
kontakter telefon: +61 2 9362 0053
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Latitude: -33.8769513, Longitude: 151.2312987

kommentar 5

  • CA Ramsay

    CA Ramsay


    The staff are extremely rude and very unprofessional. Their customer service is abysmal. Would NOT recommend ever using this car wash. Treated very disrespectfully & rudely. Incredibly bad experience.

  • Nutela Adlitel

    Nutela Adlitel


    THEY CLOSE AT 6PM EVERYDAY. Manager EXTREMELY RUDE AND has NO IDEA HOW TO TALK TO PAYING CUTSOMERS. SHOULD NOT BE WORKING HERE!!! Refused to to an interior clean at 5.45 pm when Google says that close at 6.30 but apparently the mangers said they close at 6. Even rang up before and confirmed they could clean inside and outside before they closed. Totally unbelievable. All staff can hardly talk English, probably illegally working here for cash in hand and UNDERPAID.

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    honoree lain


    I took my car here to be washed. When I arrived they tried upselling multiple packages to me. I chose to get the standard exterior clean. When I picked up the car it was still very dirty. They then told me that it would be an additional $100 to clean the car on top of the $30 I had already paid! They said this was because it was sap stains from a tree. This is untrue it was water stains. Very, very unhappy as I had to rewash the car myself at home.

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    David Vlasic


    Disgusting experience. They broke my car stereo and lost my car key. Did not take responsibility for anything. The clean was way below acceptable also. Never going back!!!

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    halfHead The Cranky Calabrese


    Wow... We paid for the premium wash, whatever its called, $125 for a full clean... As you can see in the photos, mud stains, dirt all over the floor under and around the seats, dust everywhere... Absolutely disgusted with this "service". On top of that, we had waited an hour before having to go up and ask, "what is happening with the car?", only to have them rudely hand my wife the keys and say, "it's been finished for an hour", and pointed toward the car. I'm pretty sure all they did was wipe down the windows. I will be getting in contact with the owners to request a full refund. Not acceptable. If you don't feel like doing your job properly, don't go to work... There are plenty of hard working people out there, let them work...

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