Data Detect Data Recovery Adelaide RAID Apple Mac Mobile Phone & Hard Drive Recovery Specialists i Adelaide

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AustralienData Detect Data Recovery Adelaide RAID Apple Mac Mobile Phone & Hard Drive Recovery Specialists



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121 King William Street, Level 5 Tower 2, Adelaide SA 5000, Australien
kontakter telefon: +61 8 8423 4463
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Latitude: -34.92602, Longitude: 138.59899

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ben P


    These guys are truely great. They have recovered data for us. We didn’t know who to turn to but so glad we chose these guys. Fantastic communication all the way through made a difficult time for us easier.

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    Vishal Odhavji


    Data Detect was the only place that could recover photographs from my corrupted micro-sd memory card. Prior to engaging their services, three other places were unsuccessful. I would highly recommend Ernie and his team!

  • Caitlin Feagan

    Caitlin Feagan


    My SSD died in my 2011 macbook and they recovered everything! highly recommend, great service.

  • en

    todd applen


    The computer technicians in our firm were migrating data to a new sytem when a major catastrophe occurred and they blew it up instead. All of our files, critical data and cases are held on the server. Data Detect recovery services stepped in and achieved great success in doing a RAID 0+1 Data Recovery. To my utter amazement, they located 95% of everything and recovered far more than expected. I thought everything was destroyed and was very happy to hear the good new from Data Detect when they called. The price was less than expected and the quality of work was high. Thank you for coming to our rescue when we needed it.

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    Billy Tungston


    My harddisk was badly damage and I was affraid that I will never be able to recover my important data from the hard drive but thanks to God data detect did the right job speaking about time they didnt let me wait too long I waited for not more than 1 week and i am happy and thanks a lot if something happen again i know where to go Great Professionals and services thanks

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