Discovery Parks - Geelong i Belmont

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AustralienDiscovery Parks - Geelong



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59, Barrabool Road, 3216, Belmont, Greater Geelong City, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 3 5243 6225
internet side:
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Latitude: -38.1671149, Longitude: 144.3376614

kommentar 5

  • Mirella Botros

    Mirella Botros


    Very clean and well kept, a few spiders show up every now and then but swimming pool isn’t very clean and is way too cold to enjoy sometimes

  • en

    Kirsten Finger


    Great little caravan park. Very safe for the kids to ride their bikes around. Would like to see a better playground offered

  • en

    Chris Lawrence


    Good price and helpfull staff. Power sites abit small for my 21 foot caravan fits in ok. Good location close to shops. Facilities are a little dated.

  • en

    TJ Wiegs


    Good place for families or friends to stay. We've been coming here for a few years now, and although it is a little run down, the staff are friendly and the park offers a 'No frills' type of accommodation where you pay for the place and enjoy your stay with little to no fuss. For a cheaper and easier family or friends accommodation option, stay here.

  • en

    Rob McHenry


    The Best Choice Park in Geelong. It may be a few dollars more than the couple of others on Barrabool Road but it is by far the best with great management, big well laid out sites and good clean facilities. We actually met people who were at the other parks and moved to the Discovery/Big4 because of how they felt regarding other "residents" in the other local parks. There is a huge camp kitchen and separate recreation room, unheated pool, and large range of cabin type accommodation. It is situated between Geelong city and Belmont shopping precincts and is a great base to visit the region. Good coffee shop attached to the front with easy access to river precinct.

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