Duxton Hotel Perth i Perth

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AustralienDuxton Hotel Perth


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1, Saint Georges Terrace, 6000, Perth, City of Perth, AU Australien
kontakter telefon: +61 8 9261 8000
internet side: www.perth.duxtonhotels.com
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Latitude: -31.9579306, Longitude: 115.8646927

kommentar 5

  • Ben Morris - Starline Security

    Ben Morris - Starline Security


    Great hotel. Everything perfect. Possibly a little too perfect meaning it's all a little bit boring with that very traditionally 5 star hotel feel that's run like a well oiled machine. Only I'm part of that machine instead of being a seen as a person and being welcomed in like were old friends.

  • Nadine E

    Nadine E


    My friend and I had the loveliest catch up yesterday in the Firewater Grille. We had the Free Flowing Sparkling High Tea and it was worth rating! The food and sweet delights could not be faulted. The restaurant is lovely, the teapots are gorgeous, the teacups are fine and delicate and the sparkling wine is indeed free flowing. Thank you to the staff for making it such a fun day for us :) The Duxton itself is a beautiful establishment, always clean and professional everytime I've dealt with them.

  • en

    RJ Byl-Moir


    We held our wedding at the Duxton earlier this year and they were absolutely excellent!! They made the experience so easy and enjoyable. Even when there was a change in wedding coordinator, the transition was very smooth. A special thanks to Rebecca who did such an excellent job as our wedding coordinator after taking over the job. Would definitely recommend!

  • en

    Kim Bradshaw


    My husband and I stayed here recently for 1 night. The accommodation was average. The breakfast far too expensive for what it was and should have been included in the price of accommodation. Had tea and scones in the cafe - the scones had clearly been in the freezer and were perhaps reheated in the microwave as they were still frozen in the middle. To access to pool area was extremely difficult as I am on crutches and had to navigate my way up several stairs. The pool area is tired and needs an upgrade. Pool not hot enough. Kids running around splashing with no supervision from parents so we left. The spa is very tired and did not look very inviting. Overall, a very disappointing experience for a 5 star hotel.

  • Axel Kassmann

    Axel Kassmann


    Sehr schönes Hotel, in dem man sich richtig wohlfühlt. Die Zimmer sind immer sauber und die Mitarbeitersehr freundlich.

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