Emerald Maraboon Motor Inn i Emerald

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienEmerald Maraboon Motor Inn



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5, Esmond Street, 4720, Emerald, Central Highlands Regional, AU Australien
kontakter telefon: +61 7 4982 0777
internet side: www.emeraldmotel.com.au
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Latitude: -23.516922, Longitude: 148.1575012

kommentar 5

  • Lex Cuskelly

    Lex Cuskelly


    The frot bar has all the betting choices you could want, and pool tables of course. Just outside is a large, open smoking area. The dining area and back bar is huge. A separate pokies room is next to this area. Just outside is a swimming pool. I like the bottle shop too. It is well stocked- I buy my favourite blended whisky there, but the single malt range is limited.

  • en

    Logan March


    It's good but needs a little work. The ac in my room made an annoying noise. Would be nice if it was fixed. Only been there once. But it was good accommodation and service.

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    Collette Young


    Clean quiet and comfy bed. Very pleasant service at reception.

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    Sean Turner


    I don't normally do this review thing but I thought this place deserves a mention. The cleanliness and presentation of the rooms is first class. I've stayed in some much fancier places at a much greater rate that could learn a thing or two from spending a night here. The management and staff are all friendly which made for a great overnight stay. Highly recommend to anyone in looking for accommodation in the Emerald area.

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    wuditha premadasa


    Located little outside the city shops but have it's own restaurant and the tavern next door. The rooms in the two storied building are spacious but lacks sunlight if you are staying in the daytime. The single storied units ( rooms from 31) are bit small but have ample sunlight and you can park next to the unit. I preferred the single storied room. Good WiFi though they had some password issue on one day. They do have a room with a computer and a printer which visitors can use.

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