Fitzroys Cycles i Bunbury

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienFitzroys Cycles



🕗 åbningstider

75, Spencer Street, 6230, Bunbury, City of Bunbury, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 8 9721 8600
internet side:
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Latitude: -33.333245, Longitude: 115.6405262

kommentar 5

  • en

    stephen smith


    Awesome service. So helpful couldn't recommend enough. Traveling round Australia needed some advice and went our of there way to help .

  • en

    Trevor Wolfe


    I have just had my bike serviced at Fittzroys and it is running like a new bike. I am very impressed and appreciate their expertise. Well done! Money well spent. Trevor

  • Dane Frederiksen

    Dane Frederiksen


    Great staff, great service. Set my new bike up for me and talked me through how I should maintain it.

  • Braden Collins

    Braden Collins


    Always offer great service. While it is true you can often get bike parts cheaper online, if things go wrong it is very hard to get things sorted, so it can be a false ecconomy. I have always found these guys are great at backing up what the sell, and highly recommend them. I reckon it's cheaper in the long run to buy local, where you have that local support.

  • en

    Alexander Mann


    I had a blow out on the highway and needed a quick new tire and inner tube the dude behind the counter dropped everything and fixed it within 10 minutes! Great customer service! Also got a good price on the labour! Would recommend for anyone riding through the south west.

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