Forrest Hotel and Apartments i Forrest

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienForrest Hotel and Apartments



🕗 åbningstider

30, National Circuit, 2603, Forrest, AU Australien
kontakter telefon: +61 2 6203 4300
internet side:
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Latitude: -35.3156575, Longitude: 149.1280255

kommentar 5

  • en

    Mark Durieu


    Great staff great restaurant parking first come first served but not usually an issue rooms clean and tidy 2 blocks from manuka restaurant strip and shops easy walk

  • en

    Asc Load


    I have really struggled to write this review. This hotel needs to seriously review its cleaning procedures and processes. I was absolutely disgusted at what I found around the bar fridge and fridge door seal. I won't go into details here but did ask that the manager contact me to discuss my complaint. To his credit, he did and he assured me that they were rectifying the problem. He also offered a free night's accommodation in one of their apartments as a goodwill gesture. I don't travel to Canberra often so can't accept his offer but to be honest, I don't know if I would stay again.

  • Tamer Genc

    Tamer Genc


    Awesome location and very affordable. Perfect if u need quick overnight accommodation!!! Stayed with my partner as we stopped to visit canberra on the way to Sydney and this place works out perfectly!

  • Emma B

    Emma B


    When I pulled up in the cab from the airport I thought the place looked a little dated and started to worry that maybe I was in for a rough couple of days. Then I stepped into the reception to check in and was greeted by wonderfully courteous staff that really made me feel welcome - a great first impression! My room was small and the decor a bit outdated but if you travel frequently you’ll appreciate the smaller things that hotels do to make your stay a pleasant one. This hotel ticked a lot of boxes - a REALLY comfortable bed with fluffy pillows, large bathroom towels that were super soft, a shower with brilliant water pressure, and a quiet room at night that muffled outdoor noise. That’s the kind of stuff you want. Very close to restaurants, supermarkets and circuses (ie Parliament House). I would definitely stay again, thank you.

  • Rebecca McDonnell

    Rebecca McDonnell


    Highly recommend! Very comfortable room with a small kitchen and a good selection of a crockery. Bathroom was very clean, as were the linens (added bonus; it smelled “neutral” clean not “disinfectant” clean) The staff were really lovely, very helpful and nice. The continental breakfast was not included in the price but Wow it was excellent. Great assortment of cereals and fruits, and bread that looked like it was baked by humans! Truly tasty! You could also upgrade to a hot breakfast that had a pancake machine! They also had many power points so there was no need to unplug the lamp to charge your phone. A well deserved 5 star rating.

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