Galldon Real Estate w Melbourne

AustraliaGalldon Real Estate



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51, Hardware Lane, 3000, Melbourne, Melbourne City, AU Australia
kontakt telefon: +61 3 9670 3330
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Latitude: -37.813435, Longitude: 144.961134

komentarze 5

  • en

    ajit singh


    I have been staying in this property for many years and have gone through few real estates and many property managers. I would like to mention that Galldon Real Estate has the very best service and very helpful and professional team. Robyn Webb is the best property manager; I have dealt with so far. She is always ready to help us. Sometime even on weekend if we have any issues with the property she would send out someone to fix it in very short notice. She is Very polite, friendly, listens and understands the problems of tenant and always resolves the issues quickly and efficiently. Keep up the good work team especially Robyn Web. I really appreciate all the assistance from Galldon Real Estate.

  • en

    Craig Homann


    I was referred to Galldon after having a lot of problems with previous property managers at other agencies. Galldon have been absolutely fantastic to deal with and have done a great job managing my properties for me. I would highly recommend them.

  • Maryam Fatima

    Maryam Fatima


    Very wonderful to deal with these people. Renting through them, the whole bond finalization and ending our lease with them was a stress-free experience. They're all very professional and whenever we've needed any maintenance done they were very quick to respond. Would love to deal with them again. Andrea and Anna are excellent people to deal with.

  • Marc Piu

    Marc Piu


    I am very happy with Galldon Real Estate and will definitely use them again. They are professional, knowledgable, efficent and friendly. Don did a great job selling our Mothers home recently, achieving a super quick sale, a short settlement and setting a new record price for the whole block. He did a great job negotiating the sale and saved me a great deal of time and advertising cost. I could not recommend him more highly and intend to use him again in the near future. The office team seem pretty switched on too! Thanks to all of you!

  • en

    James Yun


    We have sold our property through Galldon this year. Michael has gone extra mile to check everything is in order and to present the property in its best manner possible. He was diligent to give us updates on what is happening with potential buyers. Our property was sold for a price beyond our expectation. Thank you for your hard work.

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