Golden Palms Motor Inn i Svensson Heights

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienGolden Palms Motor Inn



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80, Takalvan Street, 4670, Svensson Heights, Bundaberg Regional, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 7 4153 1100
internet side:
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Latitude: -24.882737, Longitude: 152.325973

kommentar 5

  • en

    Eileen Logmore


    Lovely Owners clean decorated African and sound proof. Hot showers all you need.

  • en

    Bonnie Trevanion


    Perfect B&B for my overnight stay. Friendly service. Comfortably equipped rooms.

  • Erik Tröndle

    Erik Tröndle


    Best Motel I ever stayed in. The owners are really nice people and try to help you with everything, you can do your laundry they even have an heating iron and washing powder. The Pool looks really nice and has a BBQ area with a roof. The rooms are nice and tidy and are beeing cleaned in the morning when you're staying longer so that you come back into a nice clean looking room after the day. Also the Motel is not far from the next beach of you have a car (which is probably the case when you are staying in a Motel) and there are some really good restaurants not far from the Motel.

  • Karen Salzmann

    Karen Salzmann


    Very clean rooms and hosts are very friendly family orientated

  • en

    Helen Butler


    Fantastic accommodation. Its our first holiday in QLD. The motel room was very clean and roomy, our hosts Helen and Bill went out of their way to look after us and make our stay comfortable and memorable. All amenities like swimming pool, outdoor barbeque and eating area, laundry and the surrounding gardens were immaculate. If we ever have the opportunity to visit Bundaberg again we will definately come back to the Golden Palms.

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