Goodlife Health Clubs i Floreat

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienGoodlife Health Clubs



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5, Howtree Place, 6014, Floreat, Town of Cambridge, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 8 9287 0000
internet side:
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Latitude: -31.9374251, Longitude: 115.7923522

kommentar 5

  • en

    Eddy Hyde


    Goodlife Floreat could be a good gym, however the equipment is all very old and no money gets spent on the gym (other then advertising to fill an already over crowded gym). A “out of order sign” has been on one of the more popular weight machines for over 5 month and no staff even have any idea when it will be fixed. Also all of the cable handles are gross and the rubber gets stuck to your hand when there used because they are so old. Also cardio equipment has a new out of order sign every week. Good work goodlife on the advertising for new clients, how about spending money on the clubs to keep existing members!

  • Kinga Sowa

    Kinga Sowa


  • Sarah Jane

    Sarah Jane


  • Leighton Morrell

    Leighton Morrell


    Always friendly staff and a clean environment. P.T Cam Crump is a legend, if you looking for some real progress in regards to your fitness ask for him at the front counter! He's an absolute champ and really goes the extra mile to see his clients get the best results. My only negative comment would be that he tries to make everyday, leg day!! :)

  • en

    Jason lindsay


    Showers arent cleaned properly but the club itself is ok

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