Healthy Life i Sydney

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienHealthy Life



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143, King Street, 2000, Sydney, Council of the City of Sydney, AU Australien
kontakter telefon: +61 2 9233 8433
internet side:
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Latitude: -33.8690746, Longitude: 151.2091501

kommentar 5

  • en

    Catherine Williams


    The most rude staff I’ve ever had the displeasure of dealing with for a very long time. No smile upon entry, and entirely unhelpful if you ask a simple question. Ie could not tell me the contents of a house made protein ball and were also unable to answer other simple questions that apparently had no simple, or any, answers. Kind of strange, actually. An uncomfortable experience to say the least.

  • Julia Todrysheva

    Julia Todrysheva


    No customer service -staff never greets clients and it's impossibly slow, never can get a coffee from them or anything... can take up to 5 min to get acknowledged! Can you please shut your shop and let proper business take your place!!!

  • en

    Joe France


    Wow - I felt a cold coming on and went into the store by chance - a guy said "is anybody waiting?". I started to ask for something to take pre-cold - he stopped me - looked at me like I had said something inappropriate and said "I'm just the Retail Manager - you would have to speak to a sales consultant" - and then continued to look at me like I had said something wrong. Very unusual and there was no way to know who to ask. Walked around the corner and happily spent my 40 bucks with a really pleasant pharmacist who recommended me natural stuff anyway.

  • en

    William Boyce


    Quite a good CBD health food store with appalling customer service.

  • Ezechiel Ritchie

    Ezechiel Ritchie


    If you want to be greeted by the worst attitude on a Monday morning, that's the place to go! Jess, please crack a smile once in a while... I'm sure your life is not that bad!

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