Holiday Inn Darling Harbour i Haymarket

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienHoliday Inn Darling Harbour



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68, Harbour Street, 2000, Haymarket, Council of the City of Sydney, AU Australien
kontakter telefon: +61 2 9291 0200
internet side:
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Latitude: -33.878265, Longitude: 151.203508

kommentar 5

  • en

    rajeshwari s


    Nice rooms and good buffet breakfast...can request for specially made eggs too...there is gym..good enough and no pool...but it's centrally located and paddy market right down for Chinese stuff and very close to George Street and Pitt street for all the shopping. for going towards beaches buses are available..keep opal card handy.

  • Conor Ahern

    Conor Ahern


    Great location, clean and comfortable! Had to make a change to our booking and the staff were really accommodating. Would stay again

  • Marco La Tona

    Marco La Tona


    Non tutte le stanze sono modernissime. Ci sono stato 5 volte e solo in una mi è capitata la stanza ristrutturata. Comunque é in ottima posizione.

  • Richard Graham

    Richard Graham


    I really liked this hotel. It was very clean. The bed was comfortable. There were two firm and two soft pillows. There was a mini fridge, not a mini bar. The hotel is located in the middle of China Town. If this is not to your liking that's fine. There are non-Asian food places within a few minutes walk. I found the walk to the Opera House to be not too far. I walked to the aquarium. I walked all over.

  • Nikhil Durgani

    Nikhil Durgani


    Located right in the heart of Chinatown. The holiday inn darling harbour is a decent hotel, don't expect luxurious rooms. They have a bar/restaurant in the ground floor and also have an onsite gym, sauna and laundry service. I had a good stay here and the rooms are clean and comfortable. Would recommend staying here

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