Hotel Causeway i Melbourne

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AustralienHotel Causeway



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275, Little Collins Street, 3000, Melbourne, Melbourne City, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 3 9660 8888
internet side:
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Latitude: -37.8148918, Longitude: 144.9652603

kommentar 5

  • en

    Lily Guo


    Good location. Bed was comfortable. Hotel needs some serious renovation and upkeep though. Every second light isn't on and some room lights don't work, and the lighting in the room os pretty poor. Carpets darkened and fraying. Not sure what's going on with the very outdated bathroom design either. Housekeeping could be improved, missing a pair of slippers and didn't top up the toilet paper... when we had asked for another roll we had to ask the service desk twice in an hour (at around 12am) and ended up just going downstairs to fetch it ourselves from the front desk after an hour... quality needs improvement.

  • Boris Pocatko

    Boris Pocatko


    Friendly staff and quite nice rooms considering the price. The location is great. I didn't find anything wrong with the room or hotel in general. I would definitely stay again.

  • en

    Emma McKenzie


    Location is great, just one street away from the mall. Rooms are clean and staff have been very polite.

  • en

    Rebecca Webb


    Room a bit rundown. Noisy lift. Great location.

  • en

    Maryanne T


    Great location. The decor is a little dated and when I stayed 8-11 August '17 they have just started renovating the ground and 1st floor. The room was on the top floor and a bit smaller than I expected but it was clean and serviceable since it was just somewhere to sleep. Plenty of nearby places to eat so the lack of on site dining was no issue.

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