Hotel Grand Chancellor Launceston i Launceston

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AustralienHotel Grand Chancellor Launceston



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29, Cameron Street, 7250, Launceston, Launceston City Council, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 1800 753 379
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Latitude: -41.4346105, Longitude: 147.1407144

kommentar 5

  • en

    Susanne Clift


    Great hotel for a group stay. The hotel coped very well with large groups. The food both breakfast and dinner was very good. Rooms were standard but comfortable. Would appreciate longer opening hours for the laundry.

  • James Taylor

    James Taylor


    Definitely book via there website for the best rate. The walk in rate is higher. Close to the city. Easy parking on the street or their next door car park. I enjoyed a good night's sleep here.

  • en

    Donna Emery


    Nice and central in Launceston. Beautiful foyer and friendly staff. Our room could have done with a makeover but was comfortable and clean. Would recommend to anyone who wasn't fussy.

  • Becky Zhou

    Becky Zhou


    Great location, refurbished rooms. Clean and spacious with comfortable beds. Cons are: 1. Portable air-con is noisy; 2. Overhead shower only, no hand shower, so you can hardly keep your hair dry even with shower cap on; 3. Parking costs $6 per car per day.

  • en

    Derek Bailey


    Elegant charming boutique hotel. Excellent accommodation. Restaurant and bar exemplary. Marvellous food selection from 5 Star to kid's menu. Please note having been fortunate to dine in many 4 star plus hotels the Hotel Grand Chance is the third hotel I have encountered which had HP Brown Sauce as a standard condiment. Outstanding.

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