InterContinental Adelaide i Adelaide

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienInterContinental Adelaide



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North Terrace, 5000, Adelaide, Adelaide City Council, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 8 8238 2400
internet side:
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Latitude: -34.920679, Longitude: 138.596511

kommentar 5

  • en

    Malcolm Jenkins


    We called in after spending an afternoon at Charred in Victoria Square. We were hot and thirsty and found a delightful oasis. We experienced excellent service, cool drinks and listened to lovely piano music while enjoying the cool atmosphere and view.

  • Joshua Perugini

    Joshua Perugini


    My rating is based off of an experience my mother, partner and myself had last weekend doing High Tea. Although the food was quite nice, we didn't actually receive tea or coffee until the end of our service. There was also a lot of confusion surrounding the voucher we purchased and the High Tea that we were having. We were told numerous times that our booking was 'booked incorrectly' and that there were 'problems' with the way it was keyed into the computer... otherwise not bad but probably won't be returning due to the service.

  • en

    lance ong


    Excellent staff at the counters. We were always met with a cheerful smile from all corners. The rooms were big enough. Beds are comfortable. Located next to the rail station and the iconic stadium. The riverside walk location behind the hotel is ideal for a run or evening walk.

  • Helen Sadeik

    Helen Sadeik


    What a place. Love it. Got engaged there. Manager gave us free champagne announced to all. The valentine room was so beautiful. Staff freindly and food beautiful Go there again.

  • Arivalagi S.

    Arivalagi S.


    Lovely, clean and charming hotel by a beautiful waterway. Hotel staff are always gracious and welcoming. Very convenient location. Train station is right beside it. A 24hrs convenience store right across the road, albeit a tad expensive. Easy access to the nearest Shopping centers. Free Public transportation around the city area.

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