ISKCON Sydney i North Sydney

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienISKCON Sydney



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180, Falcon Street, 2060, North Sydney, North Sydney Council, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 2 9959 4558
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Latitude: -33.8287171, Longitude: 151.2093723

kommentar 5

  • Anjla anjla

    Anjla anjla


    Good experience. Everyone there is very kind and helping. Would love to visit again.

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    Nupur J


    We visited this place on a Sunday hoping to see some devotees and familiar Indian faces. It was a pleasant surprise to see an Australian lady addressing the gathering and helping them understand the teachings of bhagwat Geeta. There were many Indians there and quite a few other nationalities as well. A sumptuous lunch was served to all. Great experience.

  • Mehul Joshi

    Mehul Joshi


    Serene place, Krishna temple.. All visitors are welcome. Hare Krishna!

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    Josh fisher-simpson


    one of the most convenient Hindu temples to the centre of the city. Really interesting place, with nice people who offer you food for good health and people that do not push their beliefs on you

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    Honest Review


    I visited this temple a couple of years ago. The temple is beautiful and has a lovely atmosphere. However, I was very upset with the staff conduct. They do not seem to be willing to accommodate new people and are rude to those who don't follow the rules. One may was very rude to me when I took my shoes off and placed them in my bag. He said I have to leave my shoes at the door and could not bring them inside with me. While I understand the need to impose certain rules on guests, there is no need to be rude about it. I was well behaved inside the temple and dressed appropriately, however I kept being subject to rude and judgemental stares by staff. I did not feel welcome, it was a very unpleasant feeling. If you want your temple to be a public place, you have to be accommodating to members of the general public. Considering majority of Australians are not religious, it is not rational to expect ordinary Australians to be aware of certain religious practices and rules. You need to put up signs and to be clear about rules you wish to impose, otherwise it is frustrating for guests. Please work on your public relations.

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