Katherine Motel i Katherine

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienKatherine Motel


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3, Giles Street, 0851, Katherine, Katherine Municipality, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 8 8972 1622
internet side: www.katherinemotel.com
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Latitude: -14.4651356, Longitude: 132.2644006

kommentar 5

  • en

    Alison douglas


    Friendly People, great service, staff, and nothing is any trouble for them to make your stay more comfortable

  • en

    Chris Mann


    Nothing special, but not bad if you just need a clean bed and a shower for the night. The food in the attached RJ's bar and restaurant is amazing!

  • Jean-Jacques Cordier

    Jean-Jacques Cordier


    Quite good BUT not hot water at 9. PM to take a shower! Price of the room : 125 AUD .

  • Jason Cohen

    Jason Cohen


    If you want to stay overnight then this is the place for you cheap & cheerful and clean smack bang in the middle of town

  • Rinaldo Inäbnit

    Rinaldo Inäbnit


    Nice place! Thanks - and it has a fridge! Guter Platz - und im Zimmer ein Kühlschrank.

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