Manhattan Dry Cleaners i Adelaide

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AustralienManhattan Dry Cleaners



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5000, 9 Adelaide Arcade, 9/112-118 Grenfell St,, Adelaide SA 5000, Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 8 8223 6050
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Latitude: -34.9239028, Longitude: 138.6040505

kommentar 5

  • en

    Bidesh dash


    I am Bidesh, I became the fan of Manhattan Dry Cleaners yesterday. It was my wedding anniversary party and we had really worked hard on decorations. Suddenly, a glass of wine fell onto my wedding gown. We had barely 4 hours in hour hand. Then I remembered Manhattan’s ad of 90 minutes turnaround time and I called them. Guess what? I got surprised, they actually delivered me back the gown before 90 minutes. Thank You Manhattan!

  • ewaste recycling

    ewaste recycling


    Hi I am Chandler, I am a regular customer of Manhattan Dry Cleaners since two years. It all started when one day I spilled some engine oil on my new leather jacket. At that point of time, I was sure that my jacket was ruined forever. Then one of my friends suggested me Manhattan dry cleaners, and I could not believe my eyes when they returned my jacket as new. Without a doubt, they are the best jacket cleaner of Adelaide as of now.

  • en

    Ajaya Havelock


    Hi, I am Ajaya, I finally bumped into Manhattan Dry Cleaners after being unable to clean a hard stain on my wedding dress through four dry cleaners. I must say, their service just amazed me to the fullest. My wedding dress is just like new now and I am sure people at my first anniversary will find it the same as well. Thanks guys, keep ruling over other dry cleaners!

  • en

    Go AnyPlace Panama


    Hi, I am Matthew. It’s been only a few weeks of me with Manhattan Dry cleaners. The employees around here are very friendly, and the service here is excellent. I had this tough spot on my shirt which was not coming with any wash. Due to which I was not using that for three months. When my friend saw the shirt he suggested me to give it a try through Manhattan Dry Cleaners. Surprisingly, the spot has been gone. All thanks to Manhattan Dry Cleaners, the best dry cleaning service of Adelaide.

  • en

    Stipen Petro


    Hi I am Stipen, Just when I was wondering about an efficient way of cleaning my wedding dress, my cousin told me to try the service of Manhattan Dry Cleaners. She told me that they are providing doorstep service. At first, I thought it to be costly but they amazed me over phone by telling it to be free of any additional charge. Also, the service was quick and I got my wedding dress prior to the scheduled date of delivery. The cleaning was so smooth that it felt like new. Now, I am a regular customer of Manhattan Dry Cleaners and clean almost every fabric starting from wearable to curtains through them. Good work team, keep it up!

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