Manoosh Pizzeria - Marrickville i Marrickville

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AustralienManoosh Pizzeria - Marrickville



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465, Illawarra Road, 2204, Marrickville, Marrickville Council, AU Australien
kontakter telefon: +61 2 9558 3006
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Latitude: -33.91676, Longitude: 151.149517

kommentar 5

  • McBird



    I would definitely eat this over shops like Pizza hut and dominos. Excellent pizza and wraps. Also they offer a bunch of different sides, salads and dips. Manoosh never fails to impress. Good and really friendly service. I eat here qiute often and it's delicious every time.

  • en



    Ordered a bunch of stuff for delivery. All the pizzas were piping hot. So was the falafel and chicken wings and both were delicious. Always recommend the lahmebajin.

  • Chris Wakelin

    Chris Wakelin


    When you feel like pizza and not in a position to drive manoosh is the place to call. All pizza's are good and cooked quite quickly. Only 1 suggestion, when ordering ask for your pizza to be well done. You won't be disappointed as long as your not expecting it to be a scaffo's 😊.

  • en

    Kya Wiya


    Ever time I’ve come here I’ve ordered the same thing, Zaatar wrap with falafel. It has been consistently yummy and filling! This place has great prices and delicious food. Only thing I would say is that the wait can be a little long, but the food makes up for it :)

  • Greg Rogan

    Greg Rogan


    Consistently good pizza and friendly staff. Best of the fast food pizzerias. Call ahead as there's usually a 15 min wait. I eat from here regularly. Good deals mon/tues/wed currently. Love the Manoosh special. Even has a vegan option

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