Mantra on the Esplanade i Darwin City

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AustralienMantra on the Esplanade



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88, The Esplanade, 0800, Darwin City, Darwin Municipality, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 8 8943 4333
internet side:
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Latitude: -12.46316, Longitude: 130.838546

kommentar 5

  • en

    Danielle Morton


    Clean rooms, terrific view of the Esplanade. Nice pool. Friendly staff. Top location walking distance to everything in the city.

  • en

    Carolyn Falloon


    The reception was second to none. All the ladies were welcoming. The restaurant food was delicious and prices very reasonable. Things were that good we stayed an extra night in a one bedroom harbour view. Well worth it. Great location and staff can't fault.

  • Jessika Ramage

    Jessika Ramage


    The room was a little worn and outdated for the price paid. No place to sit on the balcony which is disappointing when you have such an amazing view. Our bathroom was old, with fixtures missing and holes still in wall. Aircon duct dropped heaps of dust when we turned it on, leaving a big mess of the floor. Breakfast was underwhelming for the price paid. Limited selection of food and a few items were not even there even though signage was there. Staff were friendly enough and helpful. Entrance to hotel was lovely.

  • Warwick Conlin

    Warwick Conlin


    It's probably 3.5 star. But it is very handy to the city area and a short walk will get you to most places on the city. Rooms are clean and reasonably well furnished. It is showing its age with fittings in the rooms but clean and functional. Lighting could be improved. The Daily breakfast is plentiful and the bar area and foyer sitting areas are open and spacious. Staff are helpful and attentive to your needs.

  • en

    Chris VOC


    Telegraph restaurant was good value. Staff friendly and initially attentive. Lost interest in us after a while. Good food and sauces. Could use planter boxes and further attentiveness. I am a trained waiter with 1st class waiting experience and appreciate nice waiters with class service. Nice place for good food and service.

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