Michael Treloar Antiquarian Booksellers i Adelaide

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AustralienMichael Treloar Antiquarian Booksellers



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196, North Terrace, 5000, Adelaide, Adelaide City Council, AU Australien
kontakter telefon: +61 8 8223 1111
internet side: www.treloars.com
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Latitude: -34.9216109, Longitude: 138.6022741

kommentar 5

  • en

    ramsey nasr


    By far the best and friendliest service I got in an Antiquarian bookshop, both Southern and Northern hemisphere. Great combination of beautiful rare books, old photography (temporary exhibition) and old music (dito). I highly recommend this place to anyone visiting Adelaide! Hope to be returning again.

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    Jonathan Olijnyk


    Great selection of rare and hard to find books. Love browsing and have found a few gems, including a treasured early-ish copy of Johnson's Dictionary which gives me frequent entertainment (yes it's a dictionary but give it a go!). It's a great escape from the city. The prices are fair market prices for quality, rare books. It's not a thrift shop type place where you will have to wade through boxes of airport novels to find something that may interest you, it's all categorised (or at least in the process of being), and yes there are cheaper used bookstores out there. For bargains keep an eye out for their regular off site book sales, some fantastic stock sold at these also. I have found the staff friendly, helpful and good humoured.

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    John Matt


    Michael Treloar is definitly the rudest book seller I have ever met in 40 years of collecting. His prices are a disgrace. He takes away the passion and love of book selling/collecting. I would not recommend visiting this book shop at all costs, he is the most arrogant seller I have ever met.

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    Stewart Maiden


    This shop found a rare first edition of a book I had been in the market for for ages. The book was immaculately packaged and was dispatched swiftly. Customer service was excellent.

  • Ritchie Henderson

    Ritchie Henderson


    Had a look in there, I'm a history teacher and was looking at specific texts. found that this little guy...in there thinks he knows a lot yet he knows little about anything! Rude, crude and common. Took my business down the road where I spent just over $300 😉 Happy days

nærmeste Bog butik

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