Morwell Hotel i Morwell

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienMorwell Hotel



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311-327, Princes Drive, 3840, Morwell, Latrobe City, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 3 5134 1355
internet side:
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Latitude: -38.2389744, Longitude: 146.4099445

kommentar 5

  • Johnny Tohme

    Johnny Tohme


    Delicious food and reasonable pricing. I had the prawn and chorizo risotto and it was a standout meal.

  • en

    Alan Church


    Ordered 2 meals on a Friday night. Wasn't busy and a meal wasn't served. Had to ask staff about missing meal. 2nd meal arrived 20 minutes after staff were informed. Offered a complimentary drink. Big deal! Not going back again

  • en

    debbie jones


    OK.. After driving 2 and, half hours. Just wanted to get in our room and relax... Yeah right.. Room smelly and dank.. Not clean to my standards.. No power point for kettle near coffee area.. Hot kettle carried.. Also not safe with kids... Bed not comftable.. Felt like it was sunken and broken.. Pillows too flat.. Bathroom was not ventalated and smelt awful.. The sink was so damaged it was ready for trash.. Toilet pipe looked like mould growing on it.. Worse smell was in morning.. Like sewage outside near drain.. Yes I paid $84 not worth it.. I'd given, my daughter said hookers hotel.....bistro was, perfect.. No complaints there

  • Kat Nicholson

    Kat Nicholson


    I stay here with my husband at least twice a month and we have no complaints at all about the service or structure of the place. For the price I don’t feel we have any right to complain! It’s relatively quiet, safe, friendly, staff are kind and professional and we’ve always felt well looked after. We will definitely continue to be regular customers here.

  • Keith Ealanta

    Keith Ealanta


    Pleasant, child friendly. Very good polite and friendly service. Very clean and comfortable. Generally great prices with a good cheap-lunch menu. The food was pleasant but not spectacular. Perfectly adequate, but nothing more than typical bistro fare.

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