Moulin Pooch i Mildura

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienMoulin Pooch



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281, San Mateo Avenue, 3500, Mildura, Mildura Rural City, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 427 639 325
internet side:
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Latitude: -34.2004766, Longitude: 142.153723

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jenni Jones


    Never have a complaint

  • en

    EJ Knights


  • Eva Tam

    Eva Tam


    The first time i went the service was great, my dog came out just like how I wanted it. This time after my mom dropped her off, the knots my mom mentioned in her ears weren't cut and left in clumps, she asked for shorter hair and it wasn't cut much shorter and worst of all my mother complained that she may not have been washed at all. Makes me wonder what we paid for really. Reviewing on here as well as Facebook on their page, all I can say now is that they have horrible customer service as a follow up of a negative review. I just hope they are more consistent and service is reviewed. As quoted, they told me to go elsewhere and that's what I'll do.

  • Robyn Knight

    Robyn Knight


    The service was great. The girl was happy and you could see she loved her job. They fit me in the last minute during a very busy Christmas period. They did a wonderful job on my cocker spaniel. He came back happy.I was happy. The price I was charged was excellent, not only was it competitive they also did extra on the clipping. I would definetely recommend this place. 10 out of 10!

  • Craig Lancaster

    Craig Lancaster


    Awesome. The team there did a great job with my dog, in fact, was the best cut he has had. Keep up the good work.

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