Nireeda Apartments on Clare i Geelong

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienNireeda Apartments on Clare


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1-3, Clare Street, 3220, Geelong, Greater Geelong City, AU Australien
kontakter telefon: +61 3 5221 0566
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Latitude: -38.1461462, Longitude: 144.3600101

kommentar 5

  • Leanne Ellis

    Leanne Ellis


    In dire need of a revamp. Thin walls. Didn't sleep. Between the neighbours and the nightclub it was hopeless. No onsite night management to fix issues. stayed in youth hostels for half the price and had a far better experience. The only redeeming factor is its handy to the waterfront.

  • en

    Gordon Mc Kenna


    Clean and reasonable price. Keep in mind of the stairs and pay parking. I Recommend a stay.

  • en

    Jessica O'Sullivan


    If there were bath towels without holes in them and more than 1 pillow each, it would be a more pleasent night. The space is great. Just need to work on the bedding and linen.

  • en

    Brenda Evans


    Only needs a few minor changes to be disability friendly. Rails, door is heavy things like that. The staff are wonderful and available. No food services but the motel is situated very close to the pub and the main street of Geelong. Very quite place to sleep.

  • Clara Murray

    Clara Murray


    The accommodation is a room for 3 people. Everything included except a washing machine. Xmas eve. Nightlife shut down at 11pm. Which was good, we were down for a relaxing couple of days. Central to everything. 5 min walk to everything. Not joking!

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