Northshore Hamilton Ferry Terminal i Hamilton

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AustralienNorthshore Hamilton Ferry Terminal


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Macarthur Av and Macarthur Av, Hamilton QLD 4007, Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 13 12 30
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Latitude: -27.4451957, Longitude: 153.0838817

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ru Chern Chong


    Very convenient to the newly moved Eat Street Market food bazaar.

  • en

    A Harris


    Great spot. BBQ, tables, toilet facilities and large grassed area. Cafe located nearby.

  • Wes Warner

    Wes Warner


    Great beach next to the wharf

  • Murray Tinker

    Murray Tinker


    The newest stop down the river near the Gateway bridge. Love traveling to this end of the river. It is so interesting and busy with fishing, leisure and cruise ships. Stayed for lunch at the adjacent North Shore Cafe. Had to rate that 5 stars also. This is a great stop with a park, BBQ area, beach and walks. Later that day... Decided to enjoy the location. I don't know about you but sitting on a beach on a warm afternoon watching Pelicans landing and taking off while the P&O Pacific Dawn departs Hamilton Wharf and passes only a few metres away is just as relaxing and enjoyable as being on the cruise. Home via the Regatta Jetty and Hotel. You can't beat Brisbane's public transport.

  • Richard Smith

    Richard Smith


    very clean and tidy

nærmeste Transit station

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