Novotel Newcastle Beach i Newcastle

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienNovotel Newcastle Beach



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5, King Street, 2300, Newcastle, Newcastle City Council, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 2 4032 3700
internet side:
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Latitude: -32.9292642, Longitude: 151.784893

kommentar 5

  • en

    Rachel Seaniger


    Friendly as usual. My parents always stay here for their visits. Don't let the small restaurant fool you, there food is divine. Ive been known to come just for dinner. They can easily amend dishes to gluten free as required.

  • Adam Prangell

    Adam Prangell


    Great location and we'll appointed rooms. They are one star short of five due to not allowing guest to plug their own devices into their tv. If they could modify their entertainment system to support this then they would get a five star. I do really like the fact they have a water filter in the reception area to fill water bottles.

  • en

    Deborah Abrahamsen


    We enjoyed every minute of service from staff and the rooms were delightful would definitely stay next time were up that way. The restaurant from foyer definitely needs some upgrading. But all in all close to main city night life.

  • Sharif Rasel

    Sharif Rasel


    I have been traveling with a group of overseas visitors. Most of them are visiting Australia for the first time. Even its the first foreign trip for few of them. Considering this, receptionists were very patient to understand queries made by the visitors and were very helpful to assist them. All the hotel staff were very kind to accommodate their needs. I highly appreciate the supports made by the hotel management. Thank you!

  • en

    Cassie Chong


    Stayed in harbour view room on level 4 with no balcony. Staff were very helpful when showerhead broke and assigned us to another room, however it was smaller unfortunately. Buffet breakfast was standard. Beach towels were supplied by hotel which was very convenient. A few minutes walk to a patrolled beach. Cafes, restaurants and scenic lookouts were within 10-15 minutes walking distance. Overall, would recommend staying here but could do with minor maintenance.

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