Ocean Drive Motel i Bunbury

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AustralienOcean Drive Motel


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123, Ocean Drive, 6230, Bunbury, City of Bunbury, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 8 9721 2033
internet side: www.oceandrivemotel.com.au
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Latitude: -33.3352766, Longitude: 115.6269328

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kylie Gregory


    The room was fine. But the 'do not disturb' sign obviously doesn't apply. Forgive me if im wrong, but I always thought that that meant not to come into the room? I have stayed in many places and this was the first time our privacy had been ignored.

  • en

    Josh Zab


    Nice place to stay Friendly service clean rooms with good views of Indian Ocean Across road from beach 2 minutes from the town centre of Bunbury And Bunbury is around about 2 hours south of Perth Next door to a pub which is good Close to all the sight seeing things in the heart of Bunbury

  • en

    Kerin Gray


    Great stay found room a pleasant surprise. So clean and everything you need. Would highly recommend to anyone as a place to stay. Very friendly and very helpful at reception. Thanks bob and kerrin gray

  • en

    Michael Hawes


    When you get into this place. The owners are very helpful. You only have to walk accross the road to be at a very lovely beach, you can order a small breakfast for only $12-00 just before you enjoy your day. However l was fortunate to get the last room, so in my opinion try to book ahead it will be wise.

  • james edmondson

    james edmondson


    For the price it was great, definitely smaller than we expected and it needs a decent tv for a family to all view and a couch or lounge chair of some description. It's a three bedroom motel with 2 dining chairs. Otherwise very good

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