P & K Pets i Stepney

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienP & K Pets



🕗 åbningstider

19, Magill Road, 5069, Stepney, The City of Norwood Payneham and St Peters, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 8 8362 2375
internet side: www.pkpets.com.au
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -34.9154094, Longitude: 138.6245761

kommentar 5

  • en

    Winston Dibb-Smith


    Wonderful and helpful staff, who helped us rehabilitate an unregistered runaway doggo. Great prices for food, a huge range of supplies and services, and some lovely birds inside to talk with (a parrot called Sweetie, and a pair of Kookaburras). WOULD RECOMMEND!

  • en

    Syd Farrell


    Very good pet store with lots of variety and very nice staff.

  • Kayla Rose

    Kayla Rose


    Wonderful pet store been going here for years. A couple of years ago they had animal rescue people out the front and that's where we got our dog. I get dog food and other supplies here frequently.

  • Philippa Dillon

    Philippa Dillon


    Very knowledgeable staff, some of whom are owners, and great range of quality stock. Very happy with our new fish tank, and their advice (eg, how to set it up correctly, which fish live happily together, etc) and expertise gave us the confidence to give it a try.

  • Julie Alfaro

    Julie Alfaro


    Wide range of products for different types of pets, customer service was exceptional! Staff were very friendly and knowledgeable, they even give you a list of things to buy for my new kitten. I would definitely come back! Keep up the good work P & K Pets!

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