Pacific Bay Resort i Coffs Harbour

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienPacific Bay Resort



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Cnr Pacific Hwy and Bay Drive, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450, Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 2 6659 7000
internet side:
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Latitude: -30.267227, Longitude: 153.134804

kommentar 5

  • en

    helga lawrence


    No reception, no visible help, man on phone, facilities and location fine

  • Vero Tebbitt

    Vero Tebbitt


    The rooms are very nicely decorated and comfortable, and so is the reception area. But the building where the rooms are is a bit run down. The pools are great, the food at the restaurant is good, and it has a tennis court and a golf course, which looks great (though I'm not a golfer). The gym is closed until further notice, and I'm not sure about the spa... I'm here with the vacation club (Vs regular hotel guest), so I don't get any service, as they offer housekeeping when you stay for 8 days or more, so no fresh towels and no room cleaning in a 7-day stay....

  • Veronica Tebbitt

    Veronica Tebbitt


    The room is beautiful, the reception area and the restaurants are fine, and the amenities (golf course, pools and tennis court) are very well maintained, but the building were the rooms are look a bit run down. The gym is not available until further notice, and housekeeping is included only for those staying 8 days or more (when staying as part of the vacation club program), so no fresh towels in a 7 day stay.

  • Elisa Jones

    Elisa Jones


    Our family of 4 have stayed there a few times in the last 4 years for $330 a night. Even though the rooms were a bit dated, it was the location & the free breakfast buffet that kept us coming back. Novotel sold it, so no Easter availability now due to closure... Hoping when they reopen soon it will have a nice makeover... But what will become of the free breakfast?

  • Arnoud Thoma

    Arnoud Thoma


    Hotel is okay. The room was 3 star at most. The room I was in was dated and could really do with an update think 80s interior. The balcony could have done with a sweep. Facilities seem lacking. Bed not made yet room hoovered(?) and bins emptied. Breakfast had a great complete and wide selection. Great view of ponds with water dragons and waterfowl. Toilets in the reception / breakfast building were so/so. It all needs some TLC. Staff at reception were ever so friendly and accommodating.

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