Park Regis North Quay i Brisbane City

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AustralienPark Regis North Quay



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293, North Quay, 4000, Brisbane City, Brisbane City, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 7 3013 7200
internet side:
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Latitude: -27.4671166, Longitude: 153.0163779

kommentar 5

  • en

    David Cockburn


    Great Hotel - handy to train / bus station, stadium, South Bank and 10 minute walk t CBD Excellent facilities Extremely helpful staff

  • en

    kylie mercieca


    Customer service there is none Room was very dirty bath broken, curtains have many stains all over them. Air conditioning dust 2 inch thick stuck on the walls no cutterly to be found anywhere. When reported these issue I was told ok they were not insterested in fixing anything Shower was very dirty beyond use. Would not recommend at all. Very disappointed to say the least

  • Les Barnes

    Les Barnes


    it's quite dated and the hallways smell funky but the people are really nice and the rooms are spacious and we can walk to the stadium and/ or railway station so it's not a GREAT place but it's a terrific location.

  • Kathy Heyward

    Kathy Heyward


    I got a great deal through Last Minute and only paid a minimal amount for a king room with a view of the river and beyond. Super clean. Super fresh. Super bed. Super staff. Easiest checkin I have EVER experienced. No perishable and non recyclable tubes of bathroom goo which is lovely. They even have laundry powder in the drawer for you! It's in a great spot for the city or the gallery. Its super quiet. It was literally the best hotel I have stayed in in Aust.

  • en

    jonathan david mechan


    Great staff, excellent service. We attended twice in November and December both times found staff attentive, rooms are all a decent standard. Location is superb. Would highly recommend.

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