Pizzaland Bistro i Geelong

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienPizzaland Bistro



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52, Mercer Street, 3220, Geelong, Greater Geelong City, AU Australien
kontakter telefon: +61 3 5221 8424
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Latitude: -38.1421371, Longitude: 144.3556459

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sue Spath


    Ordered the Calamari Italian. Calamari was so tough I gave up trying to chew it by the 3rd mouth full. The Shiraz tasted bad - as though it had been sitting in the bottle for a couple of weeks.

  • Dave Hoobz

    Dave Hoobz


    One of our favourite places to eat. We've been going here for many years. Never once had bad service or food. Looking forward to our next visit already. Oh, cheese, tomato and garlic turkish bread with trio dip>>> Simple but done perfectly here. 10 out of 10

  • en

    Elly Lang


    Food was great however when we ordered on the phone the person speaking was laughing with co-workers and speaking to other people and ignoring my order. She was incredibly rude.

  • Jess Bocksette

    Jess Bocksette


    Disappointed. The service from the staff was below average for a hospitality standard, lacked manners and clearly showed disinterest at her job. Was chardged for a drink that I never received and the hot chocolate was disappointing. The food runner practically 'dumped' the food on the table and didn't bother to place the correct meals in front of me or my friend. The meals thankfully were enjoyable and cooked well. Overall was a crappy experience and it's doubtful that we'll return

  • Teresa Minniti

    Teresa Minniti


    We drive from Hoppers Crossing to have dinner here. The food is great always. They cater to my Vegan needs and are very helpful.

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