PoBistro i Port Macquarie

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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124, Horton Street, 2444, Port Macquarie, Port Macquarie-Hastings Council, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 2 6584 1171
internet side: www.portobistro.com.au
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Latitude: -31.4322829, Longitude: 152.9085873

kommentar 5

  • en

    Lisa Pitkin


    Excellent food. Highly recommend. Will be back🥂

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    Paul Payne


    Waitress was poor.Refused to cook a well done steak.Made a fuss and asked the Chef. Finally agreed.Never go back

  • Brenda Vien Cruz

    Brenda Vien Cruz


    Hostess was wonderful. Food was distinguished; my only concern would be it took a while between entres and mains but the food was divine. The lobster entree and creme brulee was my favourite. The head chef even popped out say hi at the end which was lovely. We had been here before when it was fusion 7 and the new Porto Bistro definitely is worth a visit. Enjoy!

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    Amy Leigh


    Wow what a find - came highly recommended and lived up to the reputation. The staff were very attentive and friendly and the chef Kristian happily accomodated our requirements. The food is certainly up there with the best !! The gnocchi was fantastic and the duck devine. Maybe a vegetarian/vegan option could be added to the menu. We will be back!

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    Jewels Maroon


    Worst experience ever!!!! We met the owner who came to our table who smelt so strongly of alcohol. It wasn’t hard to tell he was intoxicated. He later brought out my meal and dropped it all over our table and my lap! He then got one of his staff members to clean it up but didn’t even apologise or offer us a discount. We will never eat here again! Total rip off for the food and service. There are much nicer restaurants around that are actually proper fine dining such as Stunned Mullet and Whale Bone.

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