Quest Gladstone i Gladstone

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienQuest Gladstone



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39-43, Bramston Street, 4680, Gladstone, Gladstone Regional, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 7 4970 0900
internet side:
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Latitude: -23.846545, Longitude: 151.2560021

kommentar 5

  • Craig Hendry

    Craig Hendry


    Rooms are basic but nice. Shower pressure is excellent. Good service. Short walk to restraints.

  • en

    Danie Schoeman


    Good accommodation, well organised.

  • en

    Mag Pye


    Enjoyable stay with helpful staff. Facilities were clean and comfortable, with room for a desk and table. The hotel is near a main road, however the rooms are reasonably sound proof, so apart from yelling or sirens, the noise is muted. Beds were two singles put together, so has a central 'spine', but perversely, I enjoy sleeping on it, however others may find it disagreeable. Consumables are standard, with a very pleasant smelling Purifi body wash. Milk, coffee and tea are supplied with complimentary bottled water in the fridge. Internet access is limited to 400Mb, with paid options for more data, but for the self sufficient, there is strong 4G signal from both Telstra and Vodafone. There is also a Telstra Air hotspot nearby for those who have access. Curtains blocked out the street light significantly, and allowed for a restful sleep. Reception is not manned all hours, so be mindful if planning to arrive late to mention that when booking. First time staying in a Quest hotel, and will be staying here next time I visit Gladstone

  • Lyatte Peach

    Lyatte Peach


    If you are on the road for work, its clean and well managed, rooms with kitchen and washing machine/dryer.

  • Mathis fun

    Mathis fun


    One of the best apartment hotels I've been to. Service is excellent and the staff and team members are very helpful.

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