Rite Price Heating & Cooling w Valley View

AustraliaRite Price Heating & Cooling



🕗 godziny otwarcia

877, Grand Junction Road, 5093, Valley View, City of Port Adelaide Enfield, AU Australien
kontakt telefon: +61 8 8261 2277
strona internetowej: ritepriceheatingcooling.com.au
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: -34.844886, Longitude: 138.660738

komentarze 5

  • en

    Adele Malyte


    Rite Price installed our Mitsubishi Ducted Reverse Cycle Airconditioning few months ago. The experience was great, the installation guys did an awesome job and would definitely recommend them. Loving my AC!!!

  • en

    Garry Schneider


    We changed our Ducted System over and had a great experience

  • en

    Roy Darrin Page


    After sales support really disappointing. Called three times for help to improve my system that has widely varying temperatures in different zones. Assured a call back nothing. Poor for $15000 plus system.

  • Min Wade

    Min Wade


    Professional, precise & completely understood our requirements. Excellent customer service from initial contact right through it installation process. (Large Mitsubishi R/C unit for 10m family room).

  • en

    Patrick Johnson


    From contacting RPHC, having them come out and quote, to fitting the unit the whole experience was 100% fantastic. My wife liked the salesperson who came out and unlike the others who were not happy that the (Man of the House) was not there, he did not care and walked her through everything. On install day I was home and the guys were fantastic. They were friendly, cleaned up after themselves and gave us a full run down on everything before they left and the unit has been working great, especially on those hot, hot days we have here in SA. Highly recommend Rite Price Heating & Cooling @ Valley View anytime. Thanks team!!!!

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