Rushcutters Wine Storage i Rushcutters Bay

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienRushcutters Wine Storage



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30-62, Barcom Avenue, 2011, Rushcutters Bay, Council of the City of Sydney, AU Australien
kontakter telefon: +61 2 9361 3380
internet side:
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Latitude: -33.8774749, Longitude: 151.2267058

kommentar 5

  • en

    David Messum


    I store both privately and professional at Rushcutters Wine Storage. Super helpful in taking and sending deliveries. The cellars are the perfect conditions (temp and humidity) for fine wine storage, I keep my Barolo's there. Highly recommendend

  • en

    Beata Romain


  • en

    Beelgara Estate Wines


    Good wine storage, can get wines whenever I need and the costs don't keep going up like with other larger storage firms. They also load my cellar with wine deliveries so I don't have to do it myself.

  • en

    Roland Schmidmaier


    A safe and economical place to correctly cellar my wines and with helpful service from staff on site.

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    Marty Naseef


    A completly expensive waste of time. Staff started off being very friendly offering great assistance but then a bullying manager then changed his mind after I had arranged to move all my property there. Leaving me stranded with no where to put my stuff and cost me over $1000!! No comprehension of what stress is involved when moving and didnt care at all what damage he had caused. Units were like small coffins at way too much a price. I woudlnt reccomend these people at all.

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